Crop IMS offers many individual agronomic services customers purchase from us that fill a specific need in that customer’s operation. Whether it’s scouting fields, pulling soil tests, or making VRT recommendations each of these is important and of value to our customers. But when we talk about Consulting, this requires us to move to a higher level of engagement with our customers. For us to add the most value, we need to be real partners in our customers’ operations; true collaborators with a single goal of creating value and earning our place in that operation.

For example, we can scout fields but unless we also are involved in the nutrient management work in that operation, we might miss opportunities to identify soil-nutrient based instances where crop performance is impacted. We can process yield information but unless we are involved in the hybrid-variety selection process, or the crop rotation management process, we may not understand the impact these input management decisions are having on the harvest information we are processing. A final example involves our manure management planning work we do. We have customers that contract with us to provide this important function for livestock operations but unless we also interact with the grain operations of that farm, we could be adding additional insights from the cropping perspective that could improve the profitability of the livestock operation.
Because we don’t sell crop inputs or animal inputs, our expertise and ability to create value for our customers stems only from our ability to positively impact management decisions in those operations. And as the economic opportunities farmers find themselves working with today and in the near future, our professionals at Crop IMS are working hard to understand these new systems and the application of these processes and opportunities to our customers’ operations. Whether the new opportunity comes from a large food processor looking to enhance their supply chain sustainability measure or an individual farmer’s options to participate in various and multiple carbon monetization systems, Crop IMS is here to assist in the evaluation of these new opportunities leveraging our understanding of your operation and the potential return you can expect as you look to participate in these opportunities.

If you have ever wondered if it’s time you consider putting a new partner in your operation to bring a new set of eyes to all the decisions you need to make to run your operation, consider reaching out to your local Crop IMS Specialist and ask about how Crop IMS can improve your profitability.